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The Columbus Sleep Center Blog

What Is Sleep Apnea in Columbus?

October 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 4:30 am

middle aged couple smiling at homeThe secret to living well and feeling great isn’t necessarily earning more money or taking more vacations — it’s, quite simply, sleeping better. Unfortunately, many Americans are dealing with a chronic sleep condition that can make it difficult to get a full night’s sleep. Sleep apnea in Columbus takes a toll on an otherwise healthy body, but it can be treated and overcome. Keep reading to learn more about this condition, and how to find help if you suspect you need it.


How Long Has Treatment For Sleep Apnea In Columbus Been Around?

September 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 7:49 pm

Doctor writing the phrase, "Sleep Apnea"Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans and has far-reaching consequences to their health and quality of life. Although you may think of it as a modern disease, there’s actually written documentation about sleep apnea that dates back to 2,000 years ago! But it wasn’t until fairly recently that researchers were able to get a better understanding of what causes sleep apnea in Columbus and find effective treatments for it. Now, patients can get treatment that not only improves sleep apnea itself, but also the serious side effects that go with it, including heart disease, weight gain and depression. Keep reading below to learn more about the evolution of sleep apnea treatment and why it’s easier today than ever before!


7 Tips to Counteract Sleep Apnea in Columbus and Rest Well

August 29, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 10:40 pm

man sleepy rubbing eyesIf you’re not able to rest well at night, it leaves you at a great disadvantage. That’s because your body doesn’t have an opportunity to fully recover and rejuvenate itself, which is one of the warning signs of sleep apnea in Columbus. As you read on, though, you’ll learn about 7 simple habits you can adopt to help you get the rest you need.


5 Surprising Facts about Sleep Apnea in Columbus

July 31, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 8:11 am

couple drinking coffee on the sofaPoor sleep isn’t just a side effect of getting older. If you frequently wake up more tired than before you went to bed or if your partner complains about you snoring all through the night, sleep apnea may be to blame. This condition affects more people than you may think — keep reading to learn some of what you may not know about sleep apnea to get a better idea of whether or not this condition could be to blame for your nighttime woes.


How to Tell When It’s Time for Sleep Apnea Treatment in Columbus

June 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 12:02 pm

stressed woman trying to sleepWhen you wake up in the morning (or after you have stirred around for a bit), do you feel rested and energized — or sleepy and irritable? If it’s the latter, it may not be that you’re just not a morning person. Low-quality sleep caused by sleep apnea can take a toll on your overall quality of life. Unfortunately, many people do not recognize the symptoms of this condition in order to receive the sleep apnea treatment in Columbus that could help. Keep reading to learn about the symptoms of sleep apnea to ensure you or your loved one gets treatment sooner, rather than later!


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