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The Columbus Sleep Center Blog

Why Sleep Apnea in Columbus Requires Customized Care

March 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 8:11 pm

wife upset with husband snoringHave you been told you snore loudly while you sleep? Do you often awaken feeling unrefreshed, even after seven-to-eight hours of sleep? If either of these symptoms apply to you, then you may be suffering from sleep apnea in Columbus. The most important thing on your mind, then, is how this can be treated. A local dentist provides details on how to recover and why over-the-counter treatment options should be avoided.


5 Bedtime Habits to Help You Overcome Sleep Apnea in Columbus

February 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 3:23 am

woman angry at husband snoringHave you been told you snore when you sleep? Do you find yourself feeling drained throughout the day, even when it seems as though you should have had an adequate amount of rest? If either of these scenarios applies, then you could be suffering from sleep apnea in Columbus. Along with receiving treatment from a local sleep dentist, learn how these 5 bedtime habits can help you rest better!


Why the Treatment of Sleep Apnea in Columbus is So Important

January 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 3:45 pm

older man sleeping wife upsetSleep apnea in Columbus is a growing issue that affects over 22 million people nationwide. The problems can extend beyond just interrupted sleep, though. If not treated, sleep apnea can encourage the development of life-threatening health issues like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. As you read on, you’ll learn how sleep deprivation can negatively impact your overall wellness and how you can recover by receiving the right treatment.


Warning Signs That You Need Sleep Apnea Treatment in Columbus

December 9, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 8:28 pm

woman frustrated with husband snoringSleep apnea is a serious condition that is unfortunately growing among Americans, as over 22 million people are currently suffering from it. More alarming, though, is that 80% of the cases go undiagnosed. Therefore, most people are leaving themselves in harm’s way. One way to make a positive impact on this statistic is through better education, so as you read on, you’ll discover what symptoms to lookout for. Additionally, you’ll learn about the methods of sleep apnea treatment in Columbus.


Foods That Can Help with Sleep Apnea in Columbus

November 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 9:29 pm

Man fast asleep.A night’s sleep can make or break your next day. Everyone’s had a bad night’s sleep that leaves them groggy, inefficient, and unenthused about the following day. But, if you have sleep apnea in Columbus or other sleeping disorders, you know this battle with a good night’s sleep all too well. There are many strategies you can use to get a better snooze, but did you know that what you eat affects your slumber? Keep reading to discover some of the best foods you can eat before bed to enhance your quality of sleep.


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