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The Columbus Sleep Center Blog

6 Essential Oils to Help You Sleep Better

July 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 9:06 pm

Woman sleeping peacefullyEven after two cups of coffee, your eyelids feel like they weigh 10 pounds. As you walk toward the café in your office for your third cup, you find yourself struggling to focus and as tired as ever. Although you’ve been chugging along for the past couple of months, a few more days of this and your tank will truly be running on empty.

Whether it is insomnia, nerves, or sleep apnea in Columbus, the inability to get restful, uninterrupted sleep can plague every area of your life. Fortunately, essential oils may be the solution you’ve been looking for! Read on for six types to try to help you sleep better.


Have Sleep Apnea or Just Trouble Sleeping? 4 Tips To Get the Rest You Need

June 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:00 pm

Man with sleep apnea in Columbus sleeping in a hammockSleep apnea (and poor sleep in general) affects millions of Americans. And right now, with the collective stress that we’re all experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic, good-quality sleep is more important than ever. It not only improves your mood and energy levels but is also critical for immune function and overall health. If you have sleep apnea in Columbus, or simply struggle to get a good night’s rest, this blog is for you. Keep reading for 4 great tips to get the sleep you need to stay happy and healthy!


What Does It Cost for Sleep Testing to Diagnose Sleep Apnea?

May 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:26 pm

woman upset with man with sleep apnea in ColumbusOver 22 million Americans have some form of sleep apnea. Unfortunately, many people never have the problem diagnosed. That leaves them feeling drowsy during the day and unable to focus, but the issues don’t stop there. Untreated, sleep apnea in Columbus can possibly be life-threatening. That’s why being tested is so important. How much does it cost, though? Read on to get the answer.


How Do Frequent Sleep Interruptions Affect Your Body?

April 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 9:21 pm

woman asleep at desk dealing with sleep apnea in ColumbusJust as the battery of your laptop computer needs to be recharged after hours of usage, so does your body. Instead of plugging into an outlet, though, your body’s way of replenishing itself is through adequate sleep. When there are interruptions in this natural process, you can expect to see some immediate and long-term results. As you continue reading, you’ll discover how much sleep you need to get nightly, and four ways that interrupted rest related to sleep apnea in Columbus can impact your body.


Can Increased Stress and Anxiety Contribute to Sleep Apnea?

March 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 1:43 pm

woman wearing headphones husband suffering from sleep apnea in columbusStatistics show that over 22 million Americans now have some form of sleep apnea in Columbus, the most common form of which is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A sleep breathing disorder, the condition can cause hundreds of sleep interruptions throughout the night. It stems from the airway becoming partially or completely blocked, which inhibits breathing and causes the brain to send a distress signal that breaks sleep. It’s been discovered that several peripheral conditions can encourage OSA. Are increased stress and anxiety possible contributors? Read on to find out.


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