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Debunking 5 Common Sleep Apnea Myths

October 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 10:35 pm
man with sleep apnea lying awake

Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea. It’s a common sleep disorder that causes people to experience frequent pauses in their breathing that last ten seconds or more. However, did you know that the majority of all those affected are undiagnosed? That’s mainly because there are several misconceptions about the disorder, preventing people from getting a diagnosis and seeking treatment. Luckily, we’re here to put those inaccuracies to rest. Read along as we debunk five common sleep apnea myths.


The Health Consequences of Not Treating Your Sleep Apnea

September 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 8:30 pm
man snoring from sleep apnea

More than 22 million Americans are missing out on a good night’s sleep because they suffer from a condition called sleep apnea. A common sleep breathing disorder that results in several stoppages in oxygen flow throughout the night, it leaves people susceptible to a host of life-threatening health conditions. Continue reading to learn why it is so important to receive treatment for sleep apnea.


Can Taking Sleeping Pills Help with Sleep Apnea?

August 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 2:38 am
Woman with sleep apnea awake in bed at night

Do you wake up frequently at night? Are you always exhausted at work because you can’t get a good night’s rest? If you are feeling desperate for some quality sleep, you may be tempted to take sleeping pills. However, if your trouble sleeping is linked to sleep apnea, medication can actually make your condition worse. Keep reading to discover how sleeping pills affect sleep apnea symptoms and how your dentist can help.


How Napping Could be Hindering Your Sleep Apnea Therapy

July 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 8:55 pm
woman learns about napping and sleep apnea

If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, you’re likely dealing with the daytime lethargy that results from not getting adequate rest at night. Naturally, you may find yourself nodding and napping during the day. Unfortunately, this can disrupt your sleep apnea therapy. Continue reading to find out why napping and sleep apnea don’t work well together and discover some minor changes you can make to rest better!


Can Sleeping with Your Pet Make Your Sleep Apnea Worse?

June 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 1:27 pm
man dealing with sleep apnea in Columbus

Like many people, you can’t imagine life without your pet. Thus, you and your domesticated friend are virtually unattachable, often sleeping in the same bed. If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea in Columbus, could having your pet nearby when you rest further complicate the condition? Continue reading to find out.

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